Wednesday December 04 2024

What we support?

Free Drupal Themes

Please place your questions and issues in the question & answer section. For TB Blog, TB Simply, TB Sirate and TB Purity please post all the issues on the official project page.

We will daily check the issues and add them up into our product backlog and as soon we think we can release it, you will see it on the project page.

Premium Drupal Themes

Feel free to ask us for support with your theming issues.

You can either register and publish your questions on our question and answer (Q&A) section. Or shoot us an email via ticket system at the email address:

Serious issues with our theme which make your Drupal site stop running, we will check within 48 hours. Therefore we need all necessary information from you to get access to your site. But we assume this happens only in little cases. Please send those information 1. name , 2. email (the email you used to purchase our themes) , 3. URL to test/live server, 4. screenshots, 5. PHP/server configuration and settings to help email and we are right back to you. If you don’t provide us all necessary information, we won’t be able to help you as good as we probably can.

What we do not support?

Technically, we will not support you on how to code or do custom work on our themes :)

We do not support questions and issues which are related to 3rd party modules and sub-themes which we do not use in our themes. If you need support here, please contact directly the provider of the related module or sub-theme.

What about Nucleus issues?

Report all observations, bugs and feature request on the dedicated project page . It is easier to handle those issues at one place in order to share with the Drupal community the activities around Nucleus. We won’t fix all the issues immediately as we follow our release cycle. You might download the development version and check for the changelog or release note for bug fixes and new features.

Do we provide customization work?

Please contact us via email ( or use the contact form and send us your customization request.

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